how to flex and flash z3 with RSD Lite..

What is RSD Lite?

RSD Lite is used for software upgrade (flashing) and feature programming (flexing) Motorola products. It replaces PST Tool. The latest version of RSD Lite and Flash & Flex files may be
downloaded from MSSS. RSD Lite also supports software upgrading of several phones at the
same time, called Multiflash. Multiflash support up to 127 phones by using an external USB hub which reduces the time to upgrade phones considerably.


To upgrade a Motorola phone, only one file (1FF) is needed. The 1FF file includes: Core software, Language pack, Java pack and Flex file. In some cases the different files need to be flashed separately. The file format for Flash Files is SHX.


Usually it is not needed to flex the phone after flashing with a 1FF file If a flexing is needed it shall be done after the flashing procedure in order to activate the correct settings. The Flex File to use is selected by the package number of the phone. The file format for Flex Files is HS.


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